Peer MentorshipCategory: Your MarketBusiness enquiry
Patience EnyiPatience Enyi Staff asked 3 years ago

What are the main factors to have to run a successfull physical clothing business. 

3 Answers
Patience EnyiPatience Enyi Staff answered 3 years ago

The factors needed to run a successful physical business is to:
1.Run a Facebook advert.
2.Post your product on jiji and jumia
3. Run Instagram advert
4.Post on all your social media handle. 

Abdulrahman Mohammed UsmanAbdulrahman Mohammed Usman Staff answered 2 years ago

What if the target customers are locally local,they don’t know any social media handles,but are ready and fully to patronize you

ADRIANO KALOYEADRIANO KALOYE Staff answered 2 years ago

http://If they are locally you can use public announcement, physical posters